Flokkur: Spaugilegt | 25.2.2012 | Facebook
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Varla góšur enn žó öruglega ekkert verri en td Stalin,Maó pol pot ofl ofl ofl. Hann var žó sagšur góšur viš dyr og börn sem og žjóna sķna og matreišslufólk ritara ofl.
óli (IP-tala skrįš) 25.2.2012 kl. 19:55
Er žaš ekki afstętt, eins og velflest annaš?
Axel Jóhann Hallgrķmsson, 25.2.2012 kl. 22:26
Žetta var nś reyndar kaldhęšni, en jś, heyrst hefur aš hann hafi veriš góšur viš börn og dżr.
Fręnka hans og frilla til einhverra įra įšur en hann kynntist Evu Braun, sagši hann vera skrķmsli sem léti hana gera skelfilega hluti meš sér ķ rśminu. Hśn framdi sjįlfsmorš og Hitler var sleginn.
Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 25.2.2012 kl. 22:51
Sögur herma aš hann hafi veriš heldur rżr til rošsins ķ rśminu.
Axel Jóhann Hallgrķmsson, 26.2.2012 kl. 00:15
Jį og hvašan hefuru žaš? Evu? ;o) Skelfilega hluti? Kannski bara viljaš blow eša e h blessašur? ;o)
óli (IP-tala skrįš) 26.2.2012 kl. 00:28
Margir illa innręttir žvķ mišur. Viš sįum inn um glugga Moggahiršarinnar ķ Hannes Hólmsteinn į beinni. Ekki er fagurt um aš litast žar spyr ekki aš leikslokum ef žetta liš nęr aftur stjórn į landinu.
Ólafur Örn Jónsson, 26.2.2012 kl. 01:02
"Zionists and the Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews emigrate to Palestine."
In June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation was sending a secret memorandum to the Nazis, which said, in part:
"It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state [German Reich] can be brought about only with the collaboration." (51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis eftir Lenni Brenner)
"The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments: a) ONLY Palestine ... b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death... agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.
c) No ransom will be paid This response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber. Zionist leaders betrayed their own. jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/gedalyaliebermann.cfm
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 26.2.2012 kl. 12:01
Óli, žessi saga um "fręnkufrilluna" rifjašist upp fyrir mér nżlega ķ žętti um Hitler į National Geographic.
Žorsteinn, žaš var einnig gerš įętlun um aš flytja gyšinga til Madagaskar. Gasiš var ódżrara.
Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 26.2.2012 kl. 12:32
Gunnar Th G
"The most prominent Gentile and Jewish-Nazi leaders were:
Adolf Hitler: half Jew
Rudolf Hess: Reich Minister; half Jew
Hermann Goring: Head of German Luftwaffe
Gregor and Otto Strasser: brothers and leaders in Nazi party
Joseph Goebbels: Propaganda Minister; Jewish
Alfred Rosenberg: Editor of the official Nazi paper “Volkisher Beobachter;” Reich Minister for Eastern occupied territories; Jewish
Hans Frank: legal council of the Nazi party; Jewish
Heinrich Himmler: Head of Gestapo; commander of the SS; homosexual
Joachim von Ribbenstrop: Foreign Minister
Reinhard Heydrich: Security chief and Second in command of SS; later became the Governor of Bohemia and Moravia; homosexual; Jewish
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris: Chief of German Intelligence; Jewish
Abram Goldberg a.k.a. Julius Streicher: Editor of the weekly Nazi paper “Der Sturmer;” homosexual; Jewish
Adolf Eichman: SS Officer; prosecutor; Jewish
Robert Ley: Ministry of Labor; organized the slave labor camps
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski: SS General
Odilo Globocnik: SS General
Helmut Schmidt: officer in Luftwaffe
Documents supporting the “exceptions” that Hitler made for German Jews serving in the Nazi party numbered around 1,200. There were 2 Field Marshall’s, 10 Generals, 14 Colonels, 30 Majors and thousands of lower ranking officers and non-commanding officers who received these exceptions." http://www.eaec.org/newsletters/2008/vol_8/showdown-in-jerusalem-digest.htm
In the early 1920’s and early 1930’s, large amounts of money were given to the Nazi party from Jewish banks.
The Bank House Mendleson & Company in Amsterdam made two transfers. One for 10 million USD and one for 15 million USD.
Kuhn Loeb & Company in New York (later taken over by Jacob Schiff)
J P Morgan & Company in New York
Samuel & Samuel of London
Royal Dutch Shell sent 10 million Guilders as late as 1937. http://www.eaec.org/newsletters/2008/vol_8/showdown-in-jerusalem-digest.htm
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 26.2.2012 kl. 14:42
Hitler's father was the illigitimate son of a woman with
the last name Schicklgruber from Leonding near Linz, who worked
as a cook in a Graz household... This cook called Schicklgruber,
Adolf Hitler's grandmother, was employed in a Jewish household
by the name of Frankenberger when she gave birth to her child.
And this Frankenberger paid child support to Fraulein Schicklgruber
on behalf of his approximately nineteen-year-old son for the
period from the child's birth until his fourteenth year of age.
There also was correspondence for years between these
Frankenbergers and Hitler's grandmother, the overall tenor
of which ... was that Fraulein Schicklgruber's illegitimate
child had been conceived under circumstances that made the
Frankenbergers responsible to pay child support... Accordingly,
Hitler himself was one-fourth Jewish.
Although this report has since proven incorrect, the results of
Frank's research, as well as the essentially similar findings of
an investigation by Himmler in August 1942, were reason enough for
Hitler himself to have serious doubts about his purely Aryan
First of all, these investigations decisively contradicted
the allegation that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Since Alois
Schiclgruber was born on June 7, 1837, a Jew named Frankenberger
would have had to have been employed in Graz in that same year.
Both preconditions, however, are untrue. Neither in the registry
books of the Jewish synagogue nor in the "birth records" of other
religious communities of Graz is a Frankenberger to be found. An
Alois Schicklgruber appears for the first time in 1900; but since
he was much younger than Alois Schicklgruber, he naturally is out
of the question as Alois' father. The case is similar with Maria
Anna Schicklgruber, who is recorded neither in the Graz "domestic
register" nor in the "municipal register" for the time in
question, which was impossible anyway, since she was living in
Walfviertel in Lower Austria as a subject of the "Counts of
The most recent genealogical studies have cast additional light on
the identity of Hitler's grandfather. These studies show that the
illegitimate child Alois, whose family name Schicklgruber was not
officially changed to Hitler until 1876, was never acknowledged as
his own child by his alleged father Georg Hiedler -- a variant
spelling was Huettler -- even when Georg married Maria Anna
Schicklgruber in 1842. This rejection of paternity was
understandable since Hitler's real grandfather happened to be not
Georg but his brother Johann Nepomuk Huetter. Nepomuk, a wealthy
married man, had apparently, by means of adequate subventions,
convinced his brother Georg to marry the mother of his
illegitimate child Alois, because this made it possible for him to
bring up the little Alois as a child in his household without
arousing the suspicion of his unsuspecting wife. This also readily
explains why Alois spent his childhood and early youth not in his
mother's house, but in that of his "uncle" Nepomuk Huettler. It
also explains how after Nepomuk's death in 1888 Alois Hitler's
financial situation took such a sudden turn for the better. For,
as Maser at least tried to make plausible, after the
legitimization of the name Hitler in 1876, Alois, as sole heir,
apparently inherited his "uncle" Johann Nepomuk's entire fortune.
Incest in the Hitler Family
Martin Anna Maria
| /
| /
| /
Johann Georg Maria Anna Johann Nepomuk Eva Maria
| / | /
| / | /
| / | /
| / Huettler--------Poelzl,
| / Johanna Jahann Baptist
| / | /
| / | /
|/ | /
Franziska Alois. 1876 Klara, 3rd. wife
\ legit. Hitler |
\ /\ |
\ / \ |
\/ \ |
Raubal----------Hitler, \ |
Leo Angela \ |
\ / \ |
\ / \ |
\/ \ |
Raubal, \ |
Angela, called "Geli"-----------Hitler, Adolf" (Neumayr, 153-4)
The very heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant, I.G.
Farben, which had an American arm that was controlled by the
Rothschilds through their lackeys, the Warburgs. Paul Warburg, who
manipulated into existence the privately-owned "central bank" of
America, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, was on the board of American
I.G. Indeed Hitler's I.G. Farben, which ran the slave labour camp at
Auchwitz, was, in reality, a division of Standard Oil, officially
owned by the Rockefellers, but in truth the Rockefeller empire was
funded into existence by...the Rothschilds. See And The Truth Shall Set
You Free and The Biggest Secret for the detailed background of this
and other aspects of this story. The Rothschilds also owned the German
news agencies during both World Wars and thus controlled the flow of
"information" to Germans and the outside world. Incidentally, when
Allied troops entered Germany they found that the I.G. Farben
factories, the very core of Hitler's war operation, had not been hit
by the mass bombing and neither had Ford factories - another
Illuminati supporter of Hitler. Other factories nearby had been
demolished by bombing raids.
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 26.2.2012 kl. 14:46
Takk fyrir žetta Žorsteinn
Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 26.2.2012 kl. 15:49
Žessar samsęriskenningar um Rothschild & co eru nś meira rugliš og žį sérstaklega žaš aš vera aš bendla žį viš samstarf viš Hitler, žar sem hann notaši einmitt sömu fjölskyldu sem blóraböggul ķ gyšingasamsęriskenningunum sķnum.
Žetta er įróšursmynd frį Göbbels žar sem žessar sömu gömlu gyšingahaturs Rothschild sögur eru notašar.
Arnar Styr (IP-tala skrįš) 27.2.2012 kl. 00:21
Arnar Styr
Hefur žś lesiš bókina Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler eftir Antony Sutton eša um alla žessa Gyšinga er fjįrmögnušu Hitler?
Sjį einnig hérna frį Jews Against Zionism:
“…is an historical fact that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that: a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.
The Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.
The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments: a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees. b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war. c) No ransom will be paid This response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.
These treacherous Zionist leaders betrayed their own flesh and blood. Zionism was never an option for Jewish salvation. Quite the opposite, it was a formula for human beings to be used as pawns for the power trip of several desperadoes. A perfidy! A betrayal beyond description!
In 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved. “( http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/gedalyaLiebermann.cfm)
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 27.2.2012 kl. 00:47
The Six Million Myth PDF
What抯 the Big Deal about the Holocaust? PDF
Holy Holocaust! PDF
The 'Six Million' Figure Began Over 100 Yrs Ago PDF Dr. Frederick Toben
ILYA EHRENBURG The Man Who Invented the Official Six Million Holocaust Figure PDF
A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' By The Red Cross PDF The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide 12-12-5 - In all its 1,600 pages, the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber.
A Tricky Little Problem - The Missing "Holocaust" PDF Richard Lynn Professor Emeritus University of Ulster
History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number PDF John "Birdman" Bryant
The six million figure : Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during the World PDF - "The Jewish supremists want you to believe that this so-called holocaust was the result of what the Nazis did, but in reality, it was really a gigantic con-job pre-planned by the Jews to fool the world into accepting their scheme to take over Palestine and to keep the rest of mankind appologizing to them for their shameful treatment of the European Jews."
The Original Six Million PDF The Six Million Jews Who Starved To Death During World War I
Six Million Jews 1919 PDF - "6-Million" story nothing but a Cabalistic prophecy which needs to be 'fulfilled' in order to justify the annexation of Palestine, and the ongoing loss of national sovereignty (displaced by meritocracy/plutocracy) throughout the formerly free countries of the West?
Simon Wisenthal's Faked Holocaust Memoirs PDF
Elie Wiesel Stole Book & Identity Says Survivor PDF Henry Makow Ph.D.
Auschwitz Survivor Miklos Gruner Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor
Bogus Documents Used in Nuremburg Trials PDF C.W. Porter
Dispelling the Treblinka myth Video
Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers PDF David Cole
The 1988 'Holocaust' Testimony Of Joseph Burg PDF Ingrid Rimland
The Missing Hitler "Orders" PDF - No order for the extermination of the Jews written or authorized by Adolf Hitler has ever been discovered.
Directives for the Use of Prussic Acid (Zyklon) for the Destruction of Vermin (Disinfestation) PDF
Jewish Holocaust Survivor Testifies No Gas Chambers PDF
The Chemical & Toxicological Impossibility Of The Auschwitz Gas Chamber Legend PDFTHE EVER DIMINISHING NUMBERS OF JEWISH DEAD AT AUSCHWITZ PDF
Holocaust Revisionism in One Easy Lesson PDF
Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944 PDF Dr. Germar Rudolf
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 27.2.2012 kl. 01:40
Žś kemur bara meš fullt af sögufölsunum sem aš hver sem er hefši getaš skrifaš. Žś gleypir svo viš bullinu af žvķ aš žaš smellpassar viš žķna fyrirframįkvešnu hugmynd.
Žessar samsęriskennigar sem enginn fótur er fyrir voru fyrirfari bęši valdatöku nasista og Bolsévika og įttu sinn hlut ķ snśa almenningi gegn minnihlutahópum (gyšingum og öšrum) sem įttu aš vera ķ samsęri gegn žeim og grafa undan trausti į stofnunum samfélagsins. Žessar kenningar voru ķ bókinni The International Jew eftir Henry Ford og var sś bók ķ miklu uppįhaldi hjį foringjanum og gęti hafa įtt sinn hlut ķ brenglušum hugmyndum hans.
Arnar Styr (IP-tala skrįš) 27.2.2012 kl. 08:49
Arnar Styr
Žaš er spurning hvort žettta sé sögufölsun eša ekki? Žó aš ég hafi fariš į hrašlestranįmskeiš žį kemst ég ekkert į viš žig Arnar Styr į žessum lygilega mettķma.
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 27.2.2012 kl. 09:23
Žaš er stašreynd aš bankar sem stjórnaš var af gyšingum lįnušu Žjóšverjum umtalsverša peninga til aš hervęšast, žrįtt fyrir aš Versalasamningurinn bannaši žeim žaš.
Peninganna var aušvitaš óskaš undir öšru yfirskini, en allir vissu sem höfšu augun opin, ķ hvaš peningarnir fóru.
Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 27.2.2012 kl. 10:27
Rétt hjį žér Gunnar
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 28.2.2012 kl. 17:21
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.