British and Icelandic people united in their contempt for Gordon Brown

gordon-is-a-moron-tshirt_design-761232Það var stofnuð Facebook síða fyrir fólk sem vill að Ólafur Ragnar segi af sér. Karl greyið var hálf klökkur þegar hann hélt blaðamannafundinn í morgun. Það lá við að ég vorkenndi honum.

Ég mæli með að fólk skrái sig á þessa: Bretar leita til ESB
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1 identicon

I was talking with my friend in England today, asked him what he'd heard about the Iceland decision. He said it was all over the news, but the details were fuzzy for him. Then I asked if there was a general feeling the Brits were mad at the Icelanders, and he said everyone there is just so pissed off at the Bankers, and the Banks, and figure the Bankers and the Banks did the same stuff to us here. Anyhow, that's the English working class view on the situation, which I found a bit reassuring.

Lissy (IP-tala skráð) 5.1.2010 kl. 23:05

2 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Thank you Lissy for your comment.

I think this is more common wiew on this matter frum the UK and Dutch puplic, than anything else.

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 5.1.2010 kl. 23:26

3 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

I used your comment on another blog, Lissy. (here)

Hope you dont mind

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 5.1.2010 kl. 23:44

4 identicon

I don't mind at all, I just wished I had noticed before writing a blog entry on it myself. I thought, "oh, no one probably noticed my comment there."

Lissy (IP-tala skráð) 6.1.2010 kl. 01:59

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